• Khusei Akhmatov Ivanovo state University of chemistry and technology
  • Oleg Konovalov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: electronic trading procedure, government contract, life cycle contract, initial price, purchase of an indefinite volume, municipal order, pricing factors, anti-dumping measures, unit price, market analysis, unified trade aggregator, electronic platform


The paper reveals the facts of changes in the methodology for justifying the initial maximum price of a state and municipal contract due to the optimization of the conditions and procedure for conducting electronic trading procedures. The reasons for the expansion of pricing factors in the conclusion of life cycle contracts are indicated. The cases of the permissibility of concluding long-term contracts in domestic practice are clarified. The authors assessed the demand for life-cycle contracts in Russia, identified the risks of exogenous and endogenous nature in the event of such contractual obligations. The paper focuses on the importance of the formation and justification of the unit price of the customer's needs when placing a state and municipal order without specifying the specific volume of goods, works, and services. The authors touch upon the problem of discrepancy in the opinions of control and supervisory authorities and state and municipal customers regarding the possibility of determining the volume of needs. Changes in the procedure for confirming good faith in the implementation of anti-dumping measures are analyzed. Recommendations on the state project of optimization changes in the procedure for forming and justifying the marginal price in the contract system have been developed. Measures for risk-oriented management of the procedure for justifying the maximum contract price are related to: identifying information provided by participants in respect of whom an application for inclusion in the register of unfair suppliers is being considered; obtaining information from persons whose legal status cannot be confirmed from open sources of information and databases belonging to state authorities; sources of information, the content of which does not correspond to the functional, technical and operational needs of the customer, specified earlier in the official requests prepared and sent for obtaining price information 


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