• Людмила Владимировна Ермакова Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky https://orcid/org/0000-0003-2570-3231
  • Ольга Владимировна Гудкова Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky https://orcid/org/0000-0002-3610-3664
Keywords: digitalization, customs authorities, Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, information technologies, digital transformation, information resources


The article discusses the key points of the introduction of information technologies into the activities of customs authorities, since the specifics of the activities of participants in foreign economic activity require the speed of making important decisions to ensure high-quality and timely production. The procedures of automatic registration of the customs declaration and automatic release, applied to a significant array of bona fide participants in foreign trade, inspire confidence and hope in the business that it will be comfortable to work in such conditions. In this regard, the analysis of the Development Strategy of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030 was carried out, the activities of the Main Information Technology Department for the development and improvement of the telecommunications infrastructure of customs authorities were considered. Amid the growth of cross-border movements, we need a mechanism that will facilitate business conditions and simplify customs formalities. In the Eurasian Economic Commission, the "single window" mechanism is presented as the possibility of a single presentation of data through a single channel with the ability to perform export-import customs formalities in cooperation with government agencies. The development of a single window mechanism on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is one of the relevant and priority areas of cooperation, since, in fact, the use of a single window is an effective tool for simplifying international trade procedures, which will allow government agencies and business representatives to minimize their costs when performing export, import and transit operations. The objectives of the study are to identify the main difficulties of carrying out activities through the use of digital technologies in the field of customs and the formation of proposals for their application at all stages of implementation by expanding the use of information technologies. The development of digital customs contributes to a significant reduction in the time of customs clearance operations, as well as the processing and storage of large amounts of information.


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