Keywords: controlling, KPI, controlling system, management, sustainable development, energy sector


The modern development conditions of industries, complexes and companies are characterized by the increasing risks connected with the unstable international situation and deglobalization tendencies, and by the radical increase in the complexity of management activities due to the expansion of the objectives and management objects. In this context, appears a need for building up all the components of a company’s capital programme in order to achieve the synergistic effect. One of the key success factors forming the capital programme is the set of modern management technologies and tools, among which controlling holds an important place. Controlling is treated as a comprehensive system for informational and analytical support of management and as a management service that provides the system’s intellectual adaptation to the environment.

The aim of this paper is developing a system of key performance indicators (KPI) of controlling efficiency in energy companies and their segments. The study objects are PAO “Inter RAO” (PJSC), PAO “Rosseti Centre and Volga region” (PJSC), their branch companies and subsidiaries. The study subjects are methods and instruments of controlling system formation.

The author gives a brief review of controlling formation as an activity and a scientific field, describes its goals and objectives; identifies the tendencies in the modern development of the con-trolling concept. In view of these tendencies, an original controlling system model is proposed, which considers the structure of the system in the context of functional areas of the company’s activity and describes the relationship of such parameters as input data, controlling instruments and the output of the controlling system. Also, the author has developed a KPI system for assessing the controlling efficiency in energy companies and their segments. The approbation of the KPI system has allowed to identify the key tendencies in the performance of PAO “Inter RAO” (PJSC), PAO “Rosseti Centre and Volga region” (PJSC) and their segments. The original KPI system reflects the specific of the energy sector and the coordination between the functional areas of the company’s activity and is aimed at sustainable development as the strategic goal of the company’s economic management.


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